
The Pen Spinning Intermediate Tournament 2015 will be the first of its kind. It is an individual online competition where spinners from around the world are expected to participate. Each round, pen spinners will be submitting a short video containing a “combo”, which is a sequence of pen spinning tricks linked together. The first round will be a qualification round, designed to bring the number of remaining spinners down to 32. The rest of the tournament will follow the standard 1vs1 knockout format.
This tournament aim on intermediate spinners who want to gain the experience on tournament and going to the bigger tournament. The tournament will last approximately 4 months, starting in late July and ending in early December.


  1. How long are the time given for uploading the video each round, I mean for example : Qualification round has ended, 32 spinners are selected, so how many days will it be until eound 1 start ?

    1. Sorry not 'eound' but 'round'

    2. Participants will have 2 weeks to filming and uploading on every round, please look the schedule on the rulebook.

  2. May I join? I wanna try this out ; it's new to me.
